Gigatics Hi-Tech Equipments

Reliable, High-Performance Elemental Analysis Solutions

GIGATICS HI-TECH offers reliable, precise elemental analysis that is applicable to a variety of industries. To measure Total sulfur, Total Nitrogen, and/or Halides; including also all the elements / ions covered by AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, XRF, XRD & Ion Chromatography.
Covering all major parameters ASTM D7740, ASTM D3831 - 12, UOP714 – 07 etc.

Catalog of Instruments

Elemental Analysis in Fuels

By quantifying and monitoring Total Sulfur content in fuels, such as Gasoline, our elemental analyzer reduces catalyst poisoning, prevents the likelihood of ecosystem pollution, and improves product quality.

Elemental Analysis in Petrochemical

Boson Elemental analyzer reduces catalyst poisoning, unwanted fractionation, and damage to process equipment with numerous process solutions, including:
  • Accurate and rapid determination of chlorine content in naphtha
  • Monitoring of fluoride levels in alumina extraction and in the formation of alumina trihydrate during the manufacturing of aluminum oxide

Coming up...

Elemental Analysis in Water

Elemental Analysis in Foods

Elemental Analysis in Pharmaceuticals

Elemental Analysis in Power Generation