Gigatics Hi-Tech Equipments

Accurate Fuel Composition Analysis

Fuel composition analysis is critical to maintaining fuel quality, regulatory and environmental compliance, and consistency of performance. HIGGS BOSON analyzers are designed to analyze diesel fuel and blending streams with minimal operator intervention.

Jet Fuel Analysis

HIGGS BOSON offers industry-proven instruments to help you meet ASTM and IP requirements for jet fuel analysis.

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Contamination of Aviation Fuel by GC/MS
  • IP PM DY:Determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) derived from biodiesel fuel, in aviation turbine fuel – GC/MS with selective ion monitoring / scan detection method.
  • ASTM D1655:the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stated its intent to include a similar regulation in its specifications.
Performing jet fuel thermal oxidation tests to rate the deposits on tested heater tubes.
Analyzing JFTOT heater tube deposits, rates the results & creates a permanent electronic record

Gasoline Analysis

HIGGS BOSON’s analyzers provide detailed hydrocarbon analysis to determine the components in petroleum streams and crude oil, and are compliant with ASTM D5134, D6729, D6730, and D6733.
  • Reformulyzer Provides a complete identification and quantification of all hydrocarbon types, oxygenates, and carbon number distribution
  • Detailed Hydrocarbon Analyzers (DHA) DHA characterizes the composition of hydrocarbon streams and complies with ASTM methods D5134, D6729, D6730 and D6733

Diesel Fuel & Blending Streams Analysis

RON (Research Octane Number), MON (Motor Octane Number) , RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure), TVP (Total Vapor Pressure), Total olefins, Total aromatics, BTX (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene), Oxygenates, MTBE etc. using FT-NIR and other sophisticated technologies.

Catalog of Instruments